As of today no technology provides non-invasive, real-time quantitative assessment of heart mechanics
Our solution
An industry-first non-invasive, A.I. based medical support system able to assess the mechanical function of the heart in real time with just one camera
Competitive advantages
Our solution is non-invasive, it doesn’t physically touch the patient
Our technology is easy to use, since it’s algorithm-driven, thus doesn’t depend on the operator who makes the analysis
Real-time intra-surgical heart’s mechanics evaluation
A better intra-surgical evaluation can help make a more precise diagnosis
We help you reduce the recovery period of cardiac patients
Our analysis provides information that can help you reduce the hospitalization costs
Current technology
Our idea derives from the knowledge on the “state-of-the-art” of the intraoperative cardiovascular imaging field. At the present, the assessment of the cardiac mechanical function during open chest surgeries can only be performed through Transesophageal Echocardiography. However, this technique is invasive and strictly depends on the user experience in both video acquisition and analysis. Moreover, it is used to assess the Left Ventricle but falls short in measuring the mechanical function of the Right Ventricle.
Current methodology
Therefore, the overall cardiac mechanical function is not fully evaluated during open chest surgeries. As of today, only the right ventricle mechanical activity is visually checked by the surgeons and cardiologists through their experience.
Our innovative solution
JEM Tech has developed the Videocardiograph (VCG), a new medical device whose novelty consists in being contactless and able to intraoperatively quantify the mechanical function of the Right Ventricle via an algorithm driven analysis. The VCG is as simple as innovative: it consists in placing a high-speed 3D-video camera above the patient’s heart during open chest surgeries via a robotic arm.
VCG applications
Then, the acquired videos are processed by JEM Tech’s proprietary software to measure the following clinically relevant mechanical parameters:
- Velocity
- Cardiac efficiency
- Force of contraction (cardiac fatigue)
- Ventricular compliance