for your heart
Our vision is a world where non-invasiveness, computer vision and artificial intelligence make heart surgery easier and safer
Our mission is to become a gold standard for non-invasive heart monitoring with an industry-first hi-tech technology platform for diagnosis, intra-operative assessment and post-operative follow-up of people with potentially life-threatening heart conditions
What we are going
to achieve
TRL6 prototype
Registered patent
Founding of the Co. Ltd
EIT Health InnoStars participation
MVP production (pre-industrial prototype)
Q1-Q2 2022
R&D funding and pre-industrial production
Q3-Q4 2022
Multi-Centric study with four hospitals partners
Obtainment of european CE marking
Scale Up
Our story.
As of today during open chest surgeries (about 500.000 worldwide every year) the only imaging technology used is the transesophageal echocardiography, which is invasive, hard to use and provides only qualitative data; due to the lack of quantitative information the clinicians have to base their evaluation mainly on their personal experience .
J.E.M. Tech was born to solve this problem, after a 5 years’ experience in Verona’s (Italy) cardiac operating rooms: we developed the Videocardiograph (VCG), an industry-first non-invasive, A.I. based medical support system able to assess the mechanical function of the heart in real time with just one camera.
The clinicians can use the VCG whenever they need to, before, during, and after the surgery.